The best freely available javascript library can be downloaded from github.

Or you can install it using npm :

                npm install mqtt

Simple example code could then look like:

                    var mqtt = require(mqtt);
                    // Create a client connection
                    var client = mqtt.connect("mqtt://", {
                    username: yourUserName,
                    password: yourPassword

                    client.on('connect', function() { // Check you have a connection

                    // Subscribe to a Topic
                    client.subscribe(/yourRootTopic/#, function() {
                    // When a message arrives, write it to the console
                            client.on('message', function(topic, message, packet) {
                                console.log("Received '" + message + "' on '" + topic + "'");

                    // Publish a message to a Topic
                        client.publish(/yourRootTopic/test, 'Hello World Message!', function() {
                            console.log("Message posted...");
                            client.end(); // Close the connection after publish